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Administration contact information of result group for psychiatry

On this page you will find administration contact information of result group for psychiatry.

Address information for the administration

Visiting address:
Tyks Compass hospital
Kiinamyllynkatu 13, 5th floor

Post address:
Tyks Psykiatrian hallinto
PO Box 52
20521 Turku

Head of the result group

Jyrki Heikkilä

Head of operational division

Result group for Tyks Psychiatry

Marjo Saarenmaa

Director of nursing

Result group for Tyks Psychiatry

Tyks acute psychiatry and affective disorders, geriatric psychiatry, neuropsychiatry and addiction psychiatry

Teija Nummelin

Head of section

Head physician

Acute psychiatry, Affective disorders, Geropsychiatry, Neuropsychiatry and Addiction psychiatry

Katja Korhonen

Head of department

Acute psychiatry and Affective disorders

Sanna-Maija Perälä

Head of department

Geropsychiatry, Neuropsychiatry and Addiction psychiatry

Tyks child psychiatry, adolescent psychiatry and psychoses

Taina Juvén

Head of section

Head physician

Child psychiatry, Adolescent psychiatry and Psychosis

Elina Tiiri

Head of department

Child psychiatry

Maijastiina Hietamäki

Head of department

Adolescent psychiatry