The latest Tyks laboratory results do not appear in MyKanta due to a software error. Read more on Varha's website (in Finnish): (opens in new window, links to another website)
Breadcrumb Home How does the nursing staff strike affect Tyks? 5th April 2022 Press release - Published on 7.4.2022, 16:51 How does the nursing staff strike affect Tyks? 5th April 2022 Keywords: News archive Ajankohtaista Briefly in EnglishThe national strike of the nursing staff is now in its fifth day and impacts on the functions of the Tyks hospitals in many ways. Some of the urgent patient management functions have been discontinued and the remaining activity is overloaded. The situation in the hospitals changes continuously and the activities are adjusted in accordance with staff availability. In Tyks, the most crucial functions have been maintained through special arrangements. Patients have been reallocated to shared wards. During this week, four additional operating rooms will be taken into use at Tyks. The goal is to guarantee that all patients with cancer who need surgery will have their operation, which equals about 15 surgical procedures daily. This week Monday and Tuesday, only less that half of the planned operation could be carried out. The hospital will also guarantee that other patients with urgent need for surgery will have their operations performed. The strike has stopped non-urgent care. This week Monday and Tuesday about 390 non-urgent operations have been canceled. The expected number of operations to be cancelled during the rest of this week is about 50–90 daily. The patients will be allocated new appointments for these operations as soon as this is possible. The functions of the laboratory and medical imaging will be maintained only in the Tyks Main Hospital. The laboratory resources are now focused on the most urgent needs of sample collection and analysis. This means, in practice, that these services will be available primarily for ward patients and for patients of the open care units of the hospital. Share the news Share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Share on Linkedin (opens in a new window) Print this page