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Addiction Psychiatric Ward R1


Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Kupittaa hospital area, building 4
Kunnallissairaalantie 20

Postal address

20700 Turku

Office hours

Ward is open 24/7.

The addiction psychiatric ward R1 has 12 patient beds. The ward is a closed psychiatric ward and patients may be treated on the basis of involuntary commitment or voluntarily.

Unit will move to the Compass hospital

Addiction Psychiatric Ward R1 will move to the Compass hospital 28.10. - 10.11.2024. New address: Kiinamyllynkatu 13, Turku.

Read more about Compass Hospital

The patients treated at ward R1 have severe substance addiction problems and, at the same time, a serious psychiatric disturbance. Open-care patients may undergo initial down-titration of opioid substitution therapy and brief intervention therapies.

The average duration of treatment is 2–4 weeks. Before the patient leaves the ward, open-care treatment is settled for the patient and matters related to livelihood and living conditions of the patient are arranged well as possible.

A multiprofessional clinical team manages many patient matters. The team includes the following experts:

  • Head physician of department
  • Head nurse of department
  • Department secretary
  • Social worker
  • Psychologist
  • Ergotherapist
  • Nurses.

The patient will be attended to by 1–2 named nurses, who will have meetings with the patient according to the treatment plan. The patient has a meeting with the head physician of the department at least once weekly. Broad network meetings may be organized together with responsible persons from the open care, housing services etc.
