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Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Tyks Lighthouse Hospital
Savitehtaankatu 5
B elevators, 3rd floor, to the left

Postal address

PO Box 52
20521 Turku

Office hours

Open 24/7.

All babies born in Southwest Finland are delivered at our department.

We also perform elective caesarean sections, labour inductions and late-pregnancy follow-ups. Our post-delivery recovery room is designed for the entire family: The newborn can be in skin to skin contact with the mother and the entire family can enjoy meeting the newcomer immediately after the caesarean section.

About 4,000 children are born in our department every year.We focus on each family’s individual needs and work in a family-oriented manner. Our way of working follows the WHO's BFHI (baby-friendly hospital initiative) principles. At the Labour ward the mother and child are well taken care of by our midwives. An obstetrician, an anaesthetist and a paediatrician are immediately available if needed.

Maternity emergnecy services are available 24/7.
