Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Main hospital's area Diabetes Outpatient Clinic Diabetes Outpatient Clinic Keywords: Diabetes Sokeritauti Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks Main Hospital, building 11B Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8 Turku Check in on 1st floor. Postal address PO Box 52 20521 Turku Endocrinology secretary Phone, Endocrinology secretary: 02 313 0306 , : Mo–Fr 7:30–13:00 Diabetes nurses Phone, Diabetes nurses: 02 313 0306 , : Mo–Fr 7:30–9:30 Foot therapists Phone, Foot therapists: 050 470 4194 Phone, : 050 438 3722 Fax Phone, Fax: 02 313 2061 , : Office hours Mo–Fr 7:30–15:30 The Diabetes Outpatient Clinic, located in the Tyks main hospital, treats mostly patients above 16 years with type 1 diabetes who are on multiple insulin injections or on insulin pump therapy. These patients are treated in collaboration with the local hospitals. The Diabetes Outpatient Clinic runs doctor’s and nurse’s appointments. You need a doctor's referral to be admitted to the outpatient clinic.The doctor and nurse run joint appointments 2–3 times per week. One of these weekly joint appointments is reserved for young diabetics (age 16–20 years). The diabetes nurse is available for appointments four days per week. For pregnant diabetics, the diabetes physician and nurse run weekly appointments at the maternity ward.Our clinic resides in the Turku University Hospital under the Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic. Visit to the outpatient clinic You will receive an invitation by phone or letter to attend at the outpatient clinic. The invitation includes:time of the appointmentinformation about any laboratory or imaging studies needed before the appointment instruction on how you are to prepare yourself for the studiesform to be filled in at home and taken along to the appointmentbiobank consent form.Please make your own reservations for the laboratory tests (unless there are other instructions in the invitation letter). You can change or cancel your appointment by calling the department secretary.When attending the outpatient clinic you will first be received by a nurse. Please reserve enough time for the entire visit.Please take to the appointment with you a list of your medication and any previous test results related to the condition for which you have your appointment. Please fill in carefully all the forms which you receive with the invitation letter before coming to you appointment. When you have arrived at the clinic, please inform the department secretary that you have come. Telephone We use a call-back system. Please note that you can leave a message only during telephone hours.Choose 1, if you want to change or cancell appointments.Choose 2, if you have type 1 diabetes or you are on insulin pump therapy and need advice.Choose 3, if you have other type of diabetes and need advice concerning your treatment.Tel. 02 313 0306Ward secretary:Mon–Fri 7:30 am to 1 pmNurse:Mon–Fri 7:30 am to 9:30 am Diabetic foot problemsAt the Foot Outpatient Clinic, we examine and treat polyneuropathic and diabetic nerve complications of the feet, including diabetic foot sores and Charcot’s foot. We provide the following service to patients with nerve damage:evaluation, planning and treatment consultationsadviceguidance and supervisionfollow-upplanning and management of follow-up treatment.Patients need a referral from a physician for appointments with the foot therapist. There is a client fee for appointments with the foot therapist. During your visit You will see a foot therapist, a physician and a nurse at the Foot Outpatient Clinic. The physician and nurse will inform you about your illness. Please do ask if something is not clear to you. If you have suggestions regarding the treatment being planned, please tell them. Foot therapy Two foot therapists (podiatrists) are employed by the Turku University Hospital, one works full-time with foot problems at the Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic, the other rotates at many of the outpatient clinics and other units, including the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic, the Outpatient Clinic for plastic and general surgery and the Tyks Vakka-Suomi Hospital.Foot therapy is based on the examination and assessment of a specialist on the need for foot therapy. The foot therapists collaborate closely with physicians, with healthcare assistants specialized in casts and splints, with physiotherapists, diabetes nurses and medical device technicians. A foot therapist and endocrinologist/physician in endocrinology training run joint appointments once a week at the foot outpatient clinic. A multiprofessional team meeting is held twice monthly to discuss foot problems. The foot therapy process includes also aid services and documentation.In addition to working at the Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic, the foot therapists also workat the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic and the Outpatient Clinic for plastic and general surgeryat the Tyks Vakka-Suomi Hospital.A large part of the work of the foot therapists is treatment of neuropathic ulcers of the legs. There is more to read about this in the hubs of the Health Village:Diabetestalo (the Health Village, in Finnish)Haavatalo (the Health Village, in Finnish) Hospitals Tyks Main hospital's area There are four Tyks hospitals in the area of the Main hospital, as well as several other buildings with patient reception and treatment facilities. Print this page