Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Mäntymäki hospital Acute Geriatric Internal Medicine Ward Acute Geriatric Internal Medicine Ward Keywords: sisätaudit vaikeat haavat Infections ... Show all keywords geriatria Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks Mäntymäki Hospital Kunnallissairaalantie 20 Turku Building 1A, 7th floor Postal address 20700 Turku Telephone Phone, Telephone: 02 266 2024 , : We primarily treat illnesses in the elderly that require expertise in the field of internal medicine. The ward treats and diagnoses general internal medicine disorders affecting geriatric patients. The most typical ailments treated are various infectious illnesses as well as heart, kidney and liver diseases and electrolyte disorders. Another special field of competence is the treatment of severe wounds. The ward can treat patients with, for example, ascites or pleural drainage. The start of medication for haematologic patients may also be initiated on the ward in accordance with a separate agreement.In addition to acute disease treatment, the aim of the treatment is to prevent a decline in the patient's functional capacity through rehabilitative geriatric treatment and maximally early physio- and occupational therapy. The social worker is actively involved in the work of the ward.The internal medicine ward is also the support ward for the home hospital.New patients arrive at the internal medicine ward mainly from Tyks Acute and the other inpatient wards of Turku University Hospital.The treatment periods in our ward vary in accordance with the patient's needs. In order to minimise the impairment of functional capacity related to prolonged in-patient care, the duration of hospital care should be limited. Client fees The invoice is sent after the treatment period.See client fees. For students Welcome to the Internal Medicine Ward of Tyks Mäntymäki Hospital!The ward carries out holistic, patient-centred nursing as multi-professional team work. We treat elderly internal medicine patients in a multidisciplinary manner as well as various patients in need of wound treatment after, e.g. skin transplant surgery.As a student, you will have your own supervisor who will be primarily responsible for your supervision and evaluation during your period of practical training, but the entire personnel will participate in the supervision. You can practice your manual skills under the supervision of the supervisor in issues such as various procedures and pharmacological therapy.To the extent possible, students do their work shifts following the shifts of their instructors (two instructors). The first week is an orientation week, which is why we hope that you will be working in morning shifts then. The work in hospitals is shift work, the nature of which includes shifts also in the evenings and at weekends. We hope that students take these shifts into account wherever possible when planning the shifts. In this way, the students have the best chance of working with their own supervisors.The students are already considering their goals for the coming period when choosing their place of internship, in line with the goals set by the school. It is advisable to have a goal discussion with your own instructors right at the start of the internship. The targets should be entered by the end of the first week or, at the latest, by the middle of the second week. During the internship, there is a mid-term and final evaluation. Feedback will naturally be received during the whole internship period. Before the assessment, students should fill in the student feedback.Teaching and guidance situationscomprehensive treatment of an elderly internal medicine patientpatient's arrival interviewbasic, medication and fluid therapy of an internal medicine patient as well as monitoring of well-being and vital functionstreatment of skin graft patients and various wound treatmentsexaminations and procedures during treatmentguidance for the patient and familyarrangement of further care facilitiesBefore practical trainingfamiliarise yourself with general internal medicine disorders and their treatmentfamiliarise yourself with the special features of elderly patient carelearn to know the following sources: Hospital as a learning environmentInfection control unit.Please contact the ward to agree on the starting schedule for the first day of the internship period. Take along your work shoes, a name pin and, if you wish, a padlock for the locker closet. What do you learn in our unit?to record nursing workto carry out diverse forms of pharmacotherapyto dilute and process, e.g. intravenous antibiotics to apply intravenous fluidsto handle cannula and catheters to process various samples, e.g. faece and urine samplescaring for elderly internal medicine patientsContact personCharge nurse Jemina Oittinen ([email protected]) For patients General matters:Each patient has a personal locker, which can be locked, in the room. However, we hope that relatives take the patient’s extra money and valuables home. The hospital and personnel are not responsible for lost valuables.The use of one’s own telephone is allowed in the ward. Please take other patients into account by using, for example, silent modesWe are a non-smoking hospital. Smoking is allowed only in the designated area. Possession of a lighter is prohibited in hospital premises.It is forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants to the hospital.See more about the patient's rights. Patient inquiries Patient information is given to close relatives and those to whom the patient has given permission to disclose information. We hope that the relatives agree on one contact person who can then inform other relatives about the patient’s matters.The nurse can best be reached between 1 pm and 2 pm or by leaving a message. The doctor can be reached by leaving a message. It is recommended to agree on the times of contact in advance so that the nurse or doctor has time to familiarise themselves with the patient’s case before the telephone call. Ward tel. 02 266 2024. Visiting The visiting hours at the hospital are from 2 pm to 6 pm.Please make an arrangement on other visiting hours separately with the ward personnel. We kindly ask visitors to leave the room for the duration of treatment of patients. Hospitals Tyks Mäntymäki hospital Tyks Mäntymäki hospital has been one of the Tyks' hospitals from January 1 2023. Print this page