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Emergency services Loimaa, Tyks Loimaa Hospital


Opening hours and contact information

The medical help line is open 24/7

Phone, The medical help line is open 24/7: 116117

Office hours

Mo–Su 8:00–20:00
At other times, the Emergency services in our area serves at Tyks T-hospital in Turku.

Visiting address

Tyks Loimaa Hospital
Seppälänkatu 15-17
The Emergency services has its own entrance to the left of the main entrance.

Postal address

PL 17
32201 Loimaa

Our Emergency services are open for patients of any age and, if needed, patients under age 16 will be referred to the Paediatric Emergency Clinic in Turku.

Instructions on arrival

The Emergency services of the Tyks Loimaa Hospital has its own entrance to the left of the main entrance.
