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Story of the Lighthouse hospital


How a hospital became a lighthouse island

Mikko Sinervo, architect of the Reino Koivula Ltd architect group, has created the visual image of the new hospital. His plan started from a story, which he thought of together with Matti Tainio, who is responsible for art acquisitions to the new hospital.

This is a story of an archipelagic scenery where the hospital is an island. A lighthouse illuminates the surroundings from the top of the building. Below the building there is a rolling highway – water flowing incessantly.

There will be a machine room on top of the hospital building and it will cast light to the surroundings.

Cross section of the story

Majakkasairaalan tarina piirroskuvana.
Figure: Mikko Sinervo, ARK Reino Koivula Ltd & Schauman Arkkitehdit Ltd

The story continues – indoors

There is a sensation of marine traffic in the hospital entrance. Planning started with a boat and two light yards, the first one bare, the second one picnicky.

Majakkasairaalan valopihat
Light yard 1 and 2.
Lasten päivystyksen aula ja potilashuone.
Waiting room and patient room.

Animals are part of the story

The visual image of the new hospital is drawn from the nature in our part of the country, Southwest Finland. The archipelago is full of animal life. Visitors are guided by colours and animal figures throughout the building. The visual image of the hospital was conceptualized by Mikko Sinervo, hospital architect.

Each floor has a thematic colour which recurs, e.g., in the colour of signposts and information desks. Each unit has also a dedicated thematic animal. These animals will give visitors of any age something positive to think about. They convey tenderness and sympathy to the hospital atmosphere.  You may meet animals out on all kinds of adventures along the walls of the departments.

Majakkasairaalassa seikkailevia eläimiä.

The story of the building continues – outside

The architectural planning of the car park has been inspired by pack ice, so characteristic for the winter in the archipelago. The massive, round driving ramp up to the car park is like cliffs of an island. It takes only very little imagination to see massive pack ice protruding from the façade of the building. As the pack ice collides with the enormous cliffs of the driving ramp, pack ice crumples into enormous blocks along the façade.

Ahtojää-pysäköintitalon julkisivu.
The “pack ice car park” was opened in August 2019.

Art of the Lighthouse hospital

Art in a hospital signifies appreciation of culture. Art improves the quality of hospital experiences. Art consoles. Art awakens the process of thinking and removes you for a moment from the tightly scheduled, often hectic activities of patient care and hospital perplexity.

Animals in the Lighthouse hospital

Kaksi kettua metsässä.

Korva- ja foniatriavastaanottojen tunnuseläin on kettu.

Kimalaiset lentävät kukkapellolla.

Fertiliteettilaboratorion tunnuseläin on kimalainen.

Haikara lentää.

Haikara on synnytysosaston tunnuseläin.

Kaksi hirveä metsässä.

Leikkausosaston tunnuseläimenä on hirvi.

The seal swims in the water.

Lasten ja nuorten päivystyksessä seikkailee hylje.

Ilves kävelee kaatuneen puun rungolla.

Ilves on kuulokeskuksen tunnuseläin.

The swan protects its young.

Keskolan tunnuseläin on joutsen.

Kaksi jänistä pellolla.

Jänikset pomppivat korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautien vastaanotoilla.

Fish in the water.

Lasten ja nuorten osaston seinillä uiskentelee kaloja.

Three bears.

Lasten ja nuorten hematologian osaston tunnuseläin on karhu.

Kaksi kaurista pellolla.

Kauris on synnytysvuodeosaston tunnuseläin.

Two weasels in the woods.

Kärpät koristavat lasten ja nuorten kirurgista yksikköä.

Sheep and lamb in a meadow.

Äidinmaitokeskuksen tunnuseläin on lammas.

Ladybird on the grass.

Leppäkerttu on lastenneurologian tunnuseläin.

Liito-orava puun oksalla.

Radiologian osastolla liitelee liito-orava.

Lokki rannalla.

Raskauden seurantaosastolla lentelevät lokit.

Muurahaisia ja muurahaiskeko.

Äitiysvastaanotolla ahkeroivat muurahaiset.

Badger climbing a tree.

Lasten ja nuorten teho-osaston tunnuseläin on mäyrä.

Orava puussa.

Suu- ja leukasairauksien vastaanottojen seinillä hyppelee orava.

Perhosia niityllä.

Naistentautien osaston seiniä koristavat perhoset.

Siilejä nurmikolla.

Kliinisen neurofysiologian tunnuseläin on siili.

Lizard on a beach rock.

Lasten ja nuorten vastaanottojen ja päiväsairaalan tunnuseläin on sisilisko.

Sudenkorentoja lentää veden yllä.

Naistentautien vastaanotoilla liitää sudenkorentoja.