Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Halikko hospital Child psychiatry outpatient clinic, Salo Child psychiatry outpatient clinic, Salo Keywords: Psychiatry Lastenpsykiatria Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks Halikko Hospital Märyntie 1 Märynummi Uutela-building, 1st and 2nd floor Telephone Phone, Telephone: 02 314 5289 , : Office hours Mo–Th 8:00–15:00 Fr 8:00–14:00 We treat and examine children under 13 and their families. We serve the residents of Salo, Somero, Paimio and Sauvo. The most common reasons for treatment are:depressionbehavioural disordersspeechlessnesssocial problemsschool fearneuropsychiatric symptoms.How to get treatment?You need a doctor's referral to be admitted.Services are for children under the age of 13 and their families as well as their networks.Services are free of charge. Hospitals Tyks Halikko hospital Halikko hospital is located in Märynummi, Salo. It offers psychiatric inpatient and outpatient treatment to the residents of Southwest Finland. Print this page