Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks Kupittaa hospital area Adolescent Psychiatric Ward J1 Adolescent Psychiatric Ward J1 Keywords: Psychiatry Nuorisopsykiatria mental health ... Show all keywords adolescent Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Kupittaa hospital area, building 4 Kunnallissairaalantie 20 Turku 3rd floor Postal address 20700 Turku Telephone Phone, Telephone: 02 313 1717 , : We make psychiatric assessments of adolescents aged 13–17 years and provides therapy when the resources of primary open care or open care adolescent psychiatry are not sufficient. Ward treatment requires a referral from a physician or emergency services. The following conditions indicate a need for ward therapy: acute mental disturbance, serious neurotic or behavioural disturbance, self-destructive behaviour or intentions serious eating disorder The duration of the assessment and therapy periods at the ward vary between a few days and several weeks, depending on the needs of the individual patient. Facilities The ward is closed, has 10 beds and operates 24/7. The patient rooms accommodate 2–3 persons. There are also homelike facilities for social and other activities, common toilets, shower and sauna facilities, an isolation room and a soothing room. Kiinamylly hospital school Children and adolescents are entitled to basic education also during hospital stays. Teaching is provided to patients who have compulsory school attendance and who are staying at the wards and outpatient clinics of the Tyks Hospital. The hospital school is responsible for providing the teaching as required by law. We work in close collaboration with the patient's school so that when he/she returns to school after the evaluation and/or therapy period, this takes place as smoothly as possible. Kiinamylly school web site (in Finnish) Visiting Visits by appointment only. Hospitals Tyks Kupittaa hospital area In the Kupittaa hospital area, there are several buildings with units of Tyks Psychiatry. The buildings are located at three different street addresses. Print this page