For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations
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For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Gynaecological diseases
For patients and visitors / Treatments and examinations / Cancer
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For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Main hospital's area
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks A-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks T-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks U-hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Lighthouse hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Compass Hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Kaskenlinna hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Kupittaa hospital area
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Mäntymäki hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Orto Surgical hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Turunmaa hospital (All activity has ended in 12/2024)
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Halikko hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Loimaa hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Raisio hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Salo hospital
For patients and visitors / Hospitals and units / Tyks Vakka-Suomi hospital
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About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Stem cell transplantation unit
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Centre of Excellence in Neuromodulation Therapies
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Orto
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Cancer Centre
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Tyks Uni- ja hengityskeskus
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Centre of Excellence in Infections and Microbes
About Tyks / Tyks organization / Units of excellence / Immunology Centre
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Scientific research and education
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News | 24.4.2019, 16:51
In the Lighthouse hospital we have paediatric and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, ear, nose and throat diseases and oral and maxillofacial diseases. You can also find some of the medical imaging functions in the Lighthouse hospital.
The neuropsychiatric working group at the Tyks Hospital invites adult patients with a suspicion of some developmental neuropsychiatric disturbance (e.g., ADHD. Asperger syndrome, Tourette syndrome) for diagnostic examinations.
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation is an established form of treatment of leukemias, some other serious hematological illnesses and some rare illnesses of the immunological system.
Schedule, view, transfer or cancel appointments in the Tyks appointment service. Please note that the appointment service is only available for some receptions.
We study and treat congenital metabolic diseases of children aged 0 to 16. We also admit some adult patients, because the treatment of Finnish LPI (Lysinuric protein intolerance) patients is centralised here.
Getting cancer is becoming more and more common. One in three Finns will have cancer at some point during his or her lifetime.
The European Union defines rare diseases as diseases which affect no more than 5 persons per 10,000 people. It has been estimated that about 300,000 Finns have some rare form of disease, impairment, syndrome or malformation.
Most of the pregnancies go to term uneventfully, but sometimes specific changes are detected in the fetal development that may indicate abnormality in the fetal genetic material. Some of these abnormalities are numerical chromosomal changes, where the fetus has an extra chromosome compared…