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Infectious Diseases and Dermatology Inpatient Ward


Opening hours and contact information

Visiting address

Tyks T-hospital
Hämeentie 11
Main entrance 18A, 6th floor, D-wing

Postal address

PO Box 52
20521 Turku

We treat and diagnose severe infections. We also treat patients with difficult skin diseases and ulcers.

Infectious Diseases Ward

The treatment and diagnostics of severe infections of adult patients is centred in our ward. We also treat other internal medicine patients in addition to infection patients. An important group is those patients, whose primary disease has not yet been diagnosed.

Most of our patients are admitted via emergency. In addition, some patients are transferred from other wards. We also admit patients from the infectious diseases outpatient clinic as follow-up patients or for intravenous antimicrobial drug treatment.

We encourage our patients to give feedback actively. The follow-up care, discharge and monitoring of the patient is planned carefully with the patient, his/her next of kin, various wards, care units and ambulatory care.

Dermatology Inpatient Ward

We treat patients with difficult skin diseases and ulcers. Long term care patients might need inpatient care in case of treatment fatigue.

You need a doctor's referral to be admitted. Patients in need of urgent care are also admitted via the dermatology outpatient ward and the emergency room.

Treatment in our ward usually lasts a week. Diagnostic procedures are carried out and a suitable treatment for the skin disease is sought during this period. The focus is on the patient's home care and on people assisting the patient at home. There is a social worker in the work group.
