Breadcrumb Home For patients and visitors Hospitals and units Tyks T-hospital Palliative Centre Palliative Centre Keywords: palliatiivinen hoito Opening hours and contact information Visiting address Tyks T-hospital Hämeentie 11 Turku A-wing, 3rd floor Postal address PO Box 52 20521 Turku Phone Phone, Phone: 02 313 5080 , : Mo–Fr 8:00–15:00 Patients with an incurable, progressive disease are treated by the Palliative Centre. The goal of palliative treatment is good management of the patient’s symptoms, to secure an optimal quality of life and to support the patient’s family and friends. The Palliative Centre follows regular business hours. We provide advanced level open care services and support the units of the Southwest Finland wellbeing services county in questions related to palliative and end-of-life care.Patients need a physician’s referral for open care consultations at the palliative centre. A physician and nurse may also visit patients at any of the units of the Tyks Hospital on the request of the attending physician. Hospitals Tyks T-hospital T-hospital has many wards and outpatient clinics. The joint emergency services of the Turku region are also located in the T-hospital. Print this page