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Birthing class


The birthing class is for couples who are going to give birth at the Turku university hospital.


The birthing classes at Tyks Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology have two parts. You can access the first part through the Tyks digital care pathway for pregnancy and labour. The second part is organised in person at the Lighthouse hospital.

It is recommended to participate in both classes.

Birthing class part 1 at the Tyks digital care pathway for pregnancy and labour

After you have booked your first antenatal screening appointment, you will gain access to the Tyks digital care pathway for pregnancy and labour, Tyks raskaana olevan digihoitopolku in Finnish. You will receive a text message when the path has been opened for you. The digital care pathway provides information in Finnish and Swedish about pregnancy and labour. You can find the birthing class material under the “Labour is approaching” section, "Synnytys lähestyy" in Finnish. Watching the entire material takes just under an hour. The material is available in Finnish, Swedish, and English.

You can access the digital care pathway with the MyPath mobile application or by accessing it online: My Path ( The free mobile application is available through the AppStore and the GooglePlay store.

If you have not received authorisation to use the digital care pathway, please contact us by email:

Birthing class part 2 at the Lighthouse hospital

The birthing class is held at the Lighthouse Hospital. The little under two hours long in-person birthing class is a class which aims to deepen your knowledge and provide you with tools to be an active participant in your labour. The appropriate time to attend the birthing class is from pregnancy week 32 onwards.

During the class we will go over

  • movements that prepare your body for labour, which will also help you during the labour
  • how you can prepare for labour mentally and physically
  • the role of the support person and the importance of support, along with concrete tips
  • the different stages of labour
  • different pain management methods
  • your time at the hospital after labour with your newborn

If the situation permits, we will also show you around a labour room. The birthing class is suitable for all mothers no matter what your birth plan is. The birthing classes are held in Finnish. We extend the warmest of welcomes to you and your birthing partner!

The birthing class is held at the Lighthouse Hospital, address Savitehtaankatu 5. Use the main entrance to the Lighthouse hospital when you arrive. Take the A elevators to the third floor, were you will find the emergency services during pregnancy and labour. A midwife will come and collect. We ask you not to attend the class if you are feeling ill.

How can I book a slot for the in person birthing class?

You can book a slot from the links at the Tyks digital care pathway for pregnancy and labor. You'll find the links under the “Labour is approaching” section, "Synnytys lähestyy" in Finnish. Click section ”Synnytysvalmennus”. Please book one slot only – one slot covers both you and your birthing partner.

If you fall ill or are unable to participate, please remember to cancel your booking because there is only a limited number of slots for each class. If you have to cancel your participation on the day of the class, please call the maternity care service and helpline: 02 313 1000.

You can take a virtual tour of our premises below:

Treatment facilities

Labour ward

All babies born in Southwest Finland are delivered at our department.