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Länkstig Hem Information om ÅUCS ÅUCS organisation Spetskompetensenheter ÅUCS Sömn- och andningscenter Uni- ja hengityskeskus – tutkijoille Uni- ja hengityskeskus – tutkijoille Tyks Uni- ja hengityskeskuksessa toimii useita tutkimusryhmiä. Tiivis yhteistyö Turun yliopiston, kansainvälisten tutkijayhteisöjen ja kaupallisten yritysten kanssa turvaa korkeatasoisen tutkimuksen. Keskuksella on käytössään myös Suomen vanhin yliopistotasoinen ihmisten unta tutkiva unilaboratorio. Keskuksen toiminta-alueella on tehty lukuisia väitöstutkimuksia uneen tai hengitykseen liittyvistä häiriöistä. Tutkimushankkeet ja tutkimusryhmät Tutkimushankkeet ja tutkimusryhmät 2024 (pdf 78.84 KB) (Öppnas i nytt fönster, länkar till en annan webbplats) Hengitysvajaukseen tai uneen liittyvät väitöskirjat 2023 Kallionpää R. (2023). Anesthetic-induced unresponsiveness: Electroencephalographic correlates and subjective experiences Rönnlund, H. (2023). Sleep of pre-school children and their parents. A FinAdo substudy 2022 Bergman, E. (2022). Quality of Life among Public Sector Employees of the City of Pori : with Reference to Self-Reported Work Ability Scheinin, Annalotta (2022). Probing the (Un)Conscious Brain : EEG and PET Studies on Healthy Human Subjects Using Propofol, Dexmedetomidine and Natural Sleep Tuominen, J. (2022). Consciousness unbound: social simulation theory of dreaming 2021 Ei väitöskirjoja. 2020 Aro, M. (2020). Long-term effects of CPAP therapy on patients with sleep disordered breathing. Myllylä, M. (2020). Long-term CPAP use in obstructive sleep apnea: Effects on cardiovascular outcomes, weight control and motor vehicle accidents. Myllyntausta, S. (2020). Changes in self-reported and accelerometer-based sleep during the transition to retirement. Sikka, P. (2020). Dream affect: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in the Study of Emotions and Moods Experienced in Dreams. 2019 Gustafsson, M-L. (2019). Koululaisten uni, oireilu ja terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu – viiden vuoden kohorttitutkimus. Utriainen, K. (2019). Sleep-time predictors of cardiovascular complications in surgical peripheral arterial disease. 2018 Ei väitelleitä. 2017 Lampio, L. (2017). Sleep in Climacteric - Associative and Predictive Factors. Sandman, N. (2017). Nightmares: Epidemiological studies of subjective experiences. Aiemmat väitöskirjat Alihanka, J. (1982). Sleep movements and associated autonomic nervous activities in young male adults. Aittokallio, J (2009). Nocturnal transcutaneous carbon dioxide and early changes in atherosclerosis in pre- and postmenopausal women. Aittokallio, T. (2001). Characterization and modelling of the cardiorespiratory system in sleep-disordered breathing. Alhola, P. (2007). Cognitive performance and menopause: The effects of hormone therapy and sleep deprivation. Anttalainen, U. (2008). Sleep-disordered breathing in Women. Erkinjuntti, M. (1987). Physiological phenomena during sleep in infants – studies with the static charge sensitive bed (SCSB) method in healthy and neurologically damaged infants. Hasan, J. (1983). Differentiation of normal and disturbed sleep by automatic analysis. Halme, P. (2011). Airway surgery for obstructive sleep apnea and partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. Kalleinen, N. (2008). Sleep and menopause: Hormone therapy and sleep deprivation. Kirjavainen, J. (2004). Excessive crying and sleep in infancy. The assessment of sleep characteristics and the function of the autonomous nervous system in colicky infants. Kirjavainen, T. (1997). High-frequency respiratory movements during sleep. Physiological determinants and diagnostic usefulness of SCSB spiking. Kronholm, E. (1993). Uni ja päivävireys. Psykofysiologinen väestötutkimus (Vol. ML:121). Lauerma, H. (1994). Lateralization of motor activity during normal and disturbed sleep. Lehtinen, I. (1972). Temporal distribution of barbiturate spindles and recruiting responses in the neocortex and pyramidal tract in cat. Markkula, J. (2007). On restless legs in psychiatry. Clinical observations on RLS from a psychiatric point of view. Pelttari, L. (1995). Upper airway obstruction during sleep in patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, acromegaly and hypothyreosis. Polo, O. (1992). Partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. Studies with the static charge-sensitive bed (SCSB). Polo-Kantola, P. (1999). Sleep, menopause and estrogen replacement therapy. Rauhala, E. (2009). Performance of non-invasive devices in evaluation of periodic limb movements and sleep-disordered breathing. Ritmala-Castrén, M. (2015). Asleep or not asleep? Evaluation of the quality of patients’ sleep in critical care nursing. Saaresranta, T. (2000). Effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate on breathing and sleep in postmenopausal women with chronic respiratory failure or partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. Seppälä, M. (1992). Sleep and hypnotics in the elderly. Epidemiological and pharmacological studies in an urban community and in nursing homes. Siirala, W. (2013). Motoneuronitautiin liittyvä hengitysvajaus: hengitystoiminnan ja energia-aineenvaihdunnan mittaaminen. Sjöholm, T. (1995). Sleep bruxism. Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Valli, K. (2008). Threat Simulation – The Function of dreaming? Virtanen, I. (2004). Effect of hormone replacement therapy on cardiorespiratory system in sleep-disordered breathing. Vuori, A. (1982). Central haemodynamics, oxygen transport and oxygen consumption during various ventilatory techniques. A clinical study in patients subjected to openheart surgery, with special reference to continuous positive airway pressure breathing (CPAP). Skriv ut den här sidan